Not all LDL is bad @ יואל קסלר
In this post "Not all LDL is bad @ יואל קסלר" we present data from the CCJM that shows that high LDL due to LPX may not increase CV risk
This blog at יואל קסלר .com is frequently updated with new interesting scientific and medical discoveries and publications. Be sure to check back often for new content.
In this post "Not all LDL is bad @ יואל קסלר" we present data from the CCJM that shows that high LDL due to LPX may not increase CV risk
At Neuropsychiatric sequelae of long COVID 19 @ יואל קסלר .com, we present published data from the journal Brain, Behavior, & Immunity -Health
In this post, prevalence of chronic conditions in young adults @ יואל קסלר .com, we present a new article from the CDC.
New data that frequent exercise significantly reduces risk of death @יואל קסלר
ARBs may decrease risk of Dementia in patients with MCI @ יואל קסלר .com
At יואל קסלר .com we reprint ew data on risks of Myocarditis and Pericarditis after COVID 19 mRNA vaccine published in JAMA
USPTF vitamin supplementation recommendations at יואל קסלר discusses new guidelines for dietary vitamin supplement use
In this article at Progression from pre-diabetes to diabetes @ יואל קסלר .com we present recently published data on diabetes progression risk
Risks of long COVID and post acute disease in vaccinated and unvaccinated patients