בפוסט זה – סיכון לעייפות כרונית לאחר הידבקות בנגיף הקורונה @ יואל קסלר – אנו מציגים נתונים ממאמר חדש שפורסם באתר המרכז לבקרת מחלות בארה"ב שמצא עלייה משמעותית בסיכון לפתח עייפות כרונית לאחר הידבקות בקורונה. בהשוואה לאלה שלא נדבקו.
In this post – Risk of chronic fatigue after COVID infection @ יואל קסלר – we are presenting data from a new article that was published on the US Centers for Disease Control website that found a significant increase in the risk of developing chronic fatigue after COVID infection as compared with those not infected.
Quan M. Vu , Annette L. Fitzpatrick, Jennifer R. Cope, Jeanne Bertolli, Nona Sotoodehnia, T. Eoin West, Nikki Gentile, and Elizabeth R. Unger
Author affiliations: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (Q.M. Vu, J.R. Cope, J. Bertolli, E.R. Unger); University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA (A.L. Fitzpatrick, N. Sotoodehnia, T.E. West, N. Gentile)
This study aimed to estimate the incidence rates of post–COVID-19 fatigue and chronic fatigue and to quantify the additional incident fatigue caused by COVID-19. We analyzed electronic health records data of 4,589 patients with confirmed COVID-19 during February 2020–February 2021 who were followed for a median of 11.4 (interquartile range 7.8–15.5) months and compared them to data from 9,022 propensity score–matched non–COVID-19 controls. Among COVID-19 patients (15% hospitalized for acute COVID-19), the incidence rate of fatigue was 10.2/100 person-years and the rate of chronic fatigue was 1.8/100 person-years. Compared with non–COVID-19 controls, the hazard ratios were 1.68 (95% CI 1.48–1.92) for fatigue and 4.32 (95% CI 2.90–6.43) for chronic fatigue. The observed association between COVID-19 and the significant increase in the incidence of fatigue and chronic fatigue reinforces the need for public health actions to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections.
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