Early Estimates of Updated 2023–2024 (Monovalent XBB.1.5) COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Against Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection Attributable to Co-Circulating Omicron Variants Among Immunocompetent Adults — Increasing Community Access to Testing Program, United States, September 2023–January 2024
Weekly / February 1, 2024 / 73(4);77–83
Ruth Link-Gelles, PhD1; Allison Avrich Ciesla, PhD1,2; Josephine Mak, MPH1; Joseph D. Miller, PhD3; Benjamin J. Silk, PhD1; Anastasia S. Lambrou, PhD1; Clinton R. Paden, PhD1; Philip Shirk, PhD1; Amadea Britton, MD1; Zachary R. Smith, PhD3; Katherine E. Fleming-Dutra, MD1 (VIEW AUTHOR AFFILIATIONS)View suggested citation
נתונים חדשים שפורסמו לגבי יעילות החיסון החד-ערכי החדש נגד הדבקה בקורונה בעונת 2023-2024, והודפסו מחדש ביואל קסלר .קום מראים כי היעילות במניעת הדבקה הייתה 54% בהשוואה ללא קבלת חיזוק חיסון.
New data released from the CDC regarding the efficacy of the monovalent XBB.1.5 vaccine against COVID 19 infection in the 2023 -2024 season , and reprinted at יואל קסלר .קום shows that efficacy at prevention of infection was 54% compared with no vaccine booster receipt.
What is already known about this topic?
In September 2023, CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended updated 2023–2024 (monovalent XBB.1.5) COVID-19 vaccination for all persons aged ≥6 months to prevent COVID-19, including severe disease. Many variants co-circulated during fall 2023; the JN.1 lineage became predominant in January 2024. Few estimates of updated 2023–2024 vaccine effectiveness (VE) are available.
What is added by this report?
Receipt of updated COVID-19 vaccine provided approximately 54% increased protection against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection compared with no receipt of updated vaccine. Vaccination provides protection against JN.1 and other circulating lineages.
What are the implications for public health practice?
All persons aged ≥6 months should receive updated 2023–2024 COVID-19 vaccine. CDC will continue monitoring COVID-19 VE, including against severe disease and for expected waning.
The full article is available here.
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